
Lia Rodrigues

Lia Rodrigues turns the stage into the magically florid world of the “encantados”. Beings that according to indigenous belief move between heaven and earth, sand dune and rock, human and animal, and animate the world through mystical powers. Encantado means ‘enchanted’. Lia Rodrigues and her Companhia de Danças tell us what this feels like, and bring all manner of beings together in a breath-taking choreography.
Lia Rodrigues turns the stage into the magically florid world of the “encantados”, beings that according to indigenous belief move between heaven and earth, sand dune and rock, human and animal, and animate the world through mystical powers.
Encantado means ‘enchanted’. Lia Rodrigues and her Companhia de Danças tell us what this feels like, and bring all manner of beings together in a breath-taking choreography.
Hundreds of colorfully patterned blankets from the markets of Rio de Janeiro clothe and transform the dancers’ naked bodies. Movement wanders from one body to the next. Water becomes centipede becomes mushroom. Everything is “encantado”.
The performance is spurred on by the music of the indigenous Guarani Mbya people, a huge crescendo of repeated rhythms that is sung on the streets of Brazil as a sign of resistance. The dance is a powerful demonstration of diversity and love of life, and a protest against the destruction of indigenous territory.
About the artist
Lia Rodrigues is one of Brazil’s most significant artistic voices. She founded her Companhia de Danças in Rio’s largest favela, and with it she now tours the world’s largest stages.
Artistic director - Lia Rodrigues | Dance / Creation in close collaboration with - Leonardo Nunes, Valentina Fittipaldi, Andrey da Silva, Larissa Lima, David Abreu, Raquel Alexandre | Dance - Alice Alves, Daline Ribeiro, Sanguessuga, Cayo Almeida, Vitor de Abreu | Artistic collaboration - Carolina Repetto, Joana Castro, Matheus Macena, Ricardo Xavier, Tiago Oliveira | Choreographic assistance - Amalia Lima | Dramaturgy - Silvia Soter | Artistic collaboration, images - Sammi Landweer | Light design - Nicolas Boudier | Stage management - Magali Foubert, Baptistine Méral | Music - Guarani Mbya People, Village of Kalipety do T.I. indigenous territory, Tenondé Porã, sung and played during the indigenous demonstration in Brasilia in August 2021 for the recognition of their ancestral lands in danger | Mixing - Alexandre Seabra | International booking - Colette de Turville | Production coordination - Astrid Toledo | Administration - Jacques Segueilla | Production Brasil - Gabi Gonçalves, Corpo Rastreado | Production project Goethe Institut - Claudia Oliveira | Secretary - Gloria Laureano | Teachers - Amalia Lima, Sylvia Barretto, Valentina Fittipaldi
Coproduced by - Chaillot - Théâtre National de la Danse | Le CENTQUATRE | Festival d’Automne à Paris | Scène nationale Carré-Colonnes, Bordeaux | Le TAP - Théâtre Auditorium de Poitiers | Scène nationale du Sud-Aquitain | La Coursive, Scène nationale La Rochelle | L’Empreinte, Scène nationale Brive -Tulle | Théâtre d’Angoulême Scène Nationale | Le Moulin du Roc, Scène nationale à Niort | La Scène Nationale d’Aubusson, l’OARA | Office Artistique de la Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine | Kunstenfestivaldesarts - Bruxelles | Theaterfestival - Basel | HAU Hebbel am Ufer - Berlin | Festival Oriente Occidente - Roveretto | Theater Freiburg | Julidans – Amsterdam | Teatro Municipal do Porto /Festival DDD | dias de dança and Lia Rodrigues Companhia de Danças | Association Lia Rodrigues-France with the support of Redes da Maré and Centro de Artes da Maré and the partners of the FONDOC (Occitanie) | The Fondation d'entreprise Hermès is the patron of Portrait Lia Rodrigues at the Festival d'Automne à Paris | With the support of the International Relief Fund for Cultural and Educational Organizations 2021 of the German Federal Foreign Office, the Goethe-Institut and other partners | Lia Rodrigues is an associate artist of Chaillot - Théâtre national de la Danse and CENTQUATRE, France. | Acknowledgements to Thérèse Barbanel, Antoine Manologlou, Maguy Marin, Eliana Souza Silva, team of the Centro de Artes da Maré.
Piece dedicated to Oliver.
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Date & Time
Wed 15 May 2024
Wed 15 May 2024
20:30 - 21:30
Geen pauze
  • Deze voorstelling is onderdeel van PAFFF
  • Language no problem
Inclusief garderobe


Wed 15 May 2024 Wed 15 May 20:30 uur
Standaard € 19,50
20:30 Standaard € 19,50
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