Normality No More - Schuberts Winterreise revisited

Conny Janssen Danst, Via Berlin en Ragazze Quartet

Dance company Conny Janssen Danst from Rotterdam is one of the leading modern dance companies in the Netherlands. In Normality No More, composer Schubert's Winterreise takes center stage. In this piece, a protagonist embarks on a lonely winter journey after being abandoned by his beloved. Modern dance, music theater, and classical music merge into a new interpretation. It is a call for understanding and empathy towards people who experience the world differently than the majority.

A bestseller in classical music, Schubert's Winterreise, is stripped down to the bone and rebuilt anew. In the original Winterreise, the protagonist embarks on a solitary, wintry journey after being abandoned by his love. Seeking inner peace but tormented and haunted by memories, he remains despondent on the ice. In Normality No More, modern dance, music theater, and classical music merge into a new rendition.

In Normality No More, all dancers, musicians, and actors portray characters inspired by both personal experiences and scientific research on neurodivergence. They showcase their strength and vulnerability, embrace their own diversity, and simultaneously yearn for social integration. The audience experiences what it's like to step into the shoes of people perceived as 'strange' and discovers the unique, multifaceted, and wondrous qualities of the neurodiverse individual.

Ragazze Quartet had previously created a version of Winterreise, originally written for baritone and piano on a poem by Wilhelm Müller, for baritone and string quartet. In Normality No More, they assemble a colorful ensemble with an unusual combination of instruments and styles, featuring countertenor, jazz vocals, string quartet, electronics, keyboards, percussion, and bagpipes.
The performance of Normality No More is the artistic product of a collaboration between Dagmar Slagmolen (Via Berlin), choreographer Davide Bellotta (Conny Janssen Danst), and Ragazze Quartet under the final direction of Ria Marks and advice from Conny Janssen.

Traveling exhibition: From the inside out
In collaboration with healthcare institution Cordaan and the University of Amsterdam, Dagmar Slagmolen (artistic director Via Berlin) collected work by various artists who experience and interpret the world in their own different way. The exhibition can be seen in the foyer before and after the performance.

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Date & Time
Fri 14 March 2025
Fri 14 March 2025
20:30 - 21:40
Geen pauze
  • 19:30 uur | Inleiding gratis, wel reserveren
  • 20:00 uur | dansvoorafje
Inclusief garderobe en drankje na afloop


Fri 14 March 2025 Fri 14 Mar 20:30 uur
Standaard € 27,50
20:30 Standaard € 27,50
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Er wordt een tafel gereserveerd in het Theatercafé. Vooraf koffie of thee met iets lekkers en na afloop een drankje met hapjes.

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Een verrassingsgerecht met ingrediënten die zoveel mogelijk duurzaam en lokaal zijn. Bij dit gerecht kun je kiezen uit vegetarisch, vlees- of visgerecht.
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Een drie-gangen keuzemenu met eerlijke en toegankelijke gerechten.
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Concept Ragazze Quartet, Dagmar Slagmolen, Davide Bellotta
Eindregie Ria Marks
Choreografie Davide Bellotta
Coaching en Advies Conny Janssen
Decorontwerp Thomas Rupert
Kostuumontwerp Dieuweke van Reij
Lichtontwerp Remko van Wely
Geluidsontwerp Robert van Delft
Repetitor Erik Spruijt
Tekst Lucky Fonz III, Dagmar Slagmolen e.a.
Muzikaal advies & arrangementen Jan Pieter Koch
Scènefoto's Andreas Terlaak

Spel Dagmar Slagmolen
Dansers Adi Amit, Thomas Fauc (stage), Yanaika Holle, Kenji van Nieuwenhuizen, Gaspar Ribeiro, Mariko Shimoda, Yashasvi Shrotriya
Muzikanten Rosa Arnold, Annemijn Bergkotte, Nathalie Flintrop, Arturo den Hartog, Vitaly Medvedev, Enric Monfort, Genevieve Murphy, Ntjam Rosie, Jeanita Vriens
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